“il rugby degli altri”: Munster lancia la campagna “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.” – e fa suonare un campanello d’allarme

(Credit: Jason O’Callaghan)

Munster Rugby ha lanciato dal proprio sito una campagna di “sensibilizzazione” dei tifosi, di casa e avversari, che si recano all’Irish Independent Park di Cork e al Thomond Park di Limerick per vedere le gare della Red Army.

Se, in sè, la campagna non sarebbe niente male, è il motivo che ha mosso la Province a lanciarla che fa suonare un campanello d’allarme per tutti gli appassionati del nostro sport; sabato scorso, infatti, l’apertura di Munster, Ian Keatley, è stato contestato al termine della gara persa contro i Leicester Tigers in Champions Cup. Il fatto ha suscitato prima lo sdegno dell’ex Trevor Hogan, che come riporta il sito dell’emittente irlandese RTE, ha rilasciato pesanti dichiarazioni a Newstalk: “It’s absolutely unjustifiable. The fans that did it have to look hard at themselves. Are you a real Munster person because what you did there was worse than anything that has happened in Thomond Park ever? It was just disgraceful. If you are a supporter, that is a line you do not cross – no matter what sport, not even the lowest of the low. The only thing that is lower is racism or sexual harassment. That is pathetic.”

Ecco, di seguito, l’elenco delle ‘raccomandazioni’ per i tifosi, usando la parola RESPECT come acrostico:

R – Respect for both teams, officials and stadium staff. Please remember it is a family occasion, we encourage a vocal crowd and sporting behaviour.

E – Enjoy the game. We want everyone attending Irish Independent Park and Thomond Park to enjoy the experience and feel safe.

S – Silence for the kicker. We encourage our fans and opposition supporters to uphold the tradition of remaining silent for all kickers when taking shots at goal.

P – Participate in the overall match-day experience. Please be vocal in your support, wear your team colours and continue to be upstanding in showing your support on match-day.

E – Educate and welcome younger supporters. It is a family occasion and we want our younger supporters to enjoy memorable moments and become life-long members of the club, show them how to support rugby positively, leading by example.

C – Call out those around you who display unsporting behaviour. We have stewards positioned around the stadium in the terraces and stands, and we ask that you consult them for any issues that may arise.

T – Traditions to be recognised. Please continue to uphold our traditions and values as a club.

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