Scozia, Stuart Hogg si scusa coi tifosi dopo il rosso di Cardiff

20140316-073813 am.jpgStuart Hogg, attraverso un comunicato stampa rilasciato dalla SRU, si è scusato per il fallo che gli è costato il cartellino rosso nel match di Cardiff.

Ecco le parole del comunicato:

“Scotland full-back Stuart Hogg has made the following statement tonight after his sending off in the first-half against Wales at the Millennium Stadium this afternoon.

“I would like to apologise to my team-mates, the Scotland management and all Scotland supporters for what happened today. I have let people down.

“I have said sorry in person to Dan Biggar and I have apologised to the referee, Jerome Garces.

“I always try to play hard and fair and what happened today was out of character for me.

“Once again, I’m very sorry.”

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